Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Learning Curve

As I incorporate and learn new technologies, I think that it is also helping me to improve upon my teaching in other ways. For example, when I have a project with technology, my students are taking what they learned to a deeper level. The voice thread project that they are doing now, involves the students having to figure out how to relay their information about the Native American Tribe that they studied in a way that is interesting and that is not much longer than a minute. (We put the timer on for a minute and a half and the students couldn't believe how long that felt!). In order to achieve this, we used Rubistar to make a rubric together that the students could then use to evaluate themselves. It is certainly a learning process for me because it is taking me forever to scan in their pictures and get them looking right in the voice thread. I have to say though that I really like learning new things along with the students. It not only challenges them, but me as well and that makes it all the more interesting for all of us because we are all learning!

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